“This bill attacks the principle of social security,” deplores William Martinet, deputy of La France insoumise


Video length: 16 min

Immigration law: “This bill attacks the principle of social security”, deplores William Martinet, deputy La France insoumise

Guests of 19/20 info, the Renaissance deputy Alexis Izard and the rebellious deputy William Martinet debated the immigration law, against which many French people marched, Sunday January 21. – (franceinfo)

Guests of 19/20 info, the Renaissance deputy Alexis Izard and the rebellious deputy William Martinet debated the immigration law, against which many French people marched, Sunday January 21.

Renaissance MP for Essonne, Alexis Izard reacted on the 19/20 info set to the large mobilization against the immigration law in Paris, Sunday January 21. “When we look at the polls, when we question the French, there was a real need (…) to better integrate the people we welcome in France (…) and to better regulate people who commit crimes. misdemeanors and crimes in our country”he argued.

“A break with our republican principles and values”

Facing him, the rebellious deputy for Yvelines, William Martinet, welcomes this Sunday’s mobilization. “Citizens do not accept the idea that with a bill like this, we can make a break with our republican principles and values”he stressed. “This bill attacks the principle of social security, the spirit of the National Council of Resistance”which gave the right to social benefits to anyone who works and contributes.

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