this big problem he has to face because of the Covid-19 “

Are we going to get out of it one day? This is undoubtedly the question the whole world has been asking for the past two years, which must resolve to live with the Covid-19. Each time the virus seems to be curbed, a new wave arrives and the number of cases starts to rise again. Forcing countries to take drastic measures to try to stop its spread. Among these measures, a new gauge for concerts set at 2,000 people for indoor shows and 5,000 for outdoor ones. As a result, many artists are forced to postpone many dates, given that the expected number of spectators is well above the limit.

This is particularly the case of Benjamin Biolay. The artist announcing very bad news to his community by explaining that his concerts were simply canceled and not postponed. “I’m sorry to tell you, but the following four concerts have been canceled (there will be no postponement): Caen, Dijon, Rouen and Clermont-Ferrand. Do not hesitate to contact Décibel to have you reimbursed”, he regretted before adding: “We’ll see each other if all goes well on the next tour. I’m as distraught as you are. I would have played the joke on the meetings but the heart is not there.”

A few hours later, a show linked to Michel Sardou had to face a similar problem. However, unlike Benjamin Biolay, the musical I will love you, taken from the songs of the French artist, was “only” postponed. Roberto Ciurleo, producer of the show, announced the postponement of some dates via a press release: “Following government decisions, we are forced to postpone our three performances in January in Bordeaux, Pau and Limoges, because it is not possible to cancel the arrival of more than 6,000 spectators in an arbitrary manner. Indeed, more than 12,000 people had bought their places “. But new dates have already been found according to our colleagues from Purepeople. The Limoges show will take place on April 29, 2022 at 8 p.m., that of Pau on May 3, 2022 at 8 p.m. and that of Bordeaux on May 6, 2022 at 8 p.m.

See also: “A lung problem, I can’t believe it for a second” … Michel Sardou causes great discomfort about Grégory Lemarchal …


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