this big health concern that strikes Jean-Marc Morandini!

The most attentive viewers and in front of CNews after L’heure des pros, noticed Jean-Marc Morandini, appeared with two fingers of his left hand immobilized by a blue strap. Once arrived on NRJ12 to present his other show, the former host of TF1 still wore these same bandages. The main interested party explained on his Instagram account. He said he was injured while walking with his dog Iron. “The evening starts well! In the emergency room for exams for my finger caught in Iron’s leash yesterday at 6 am! It has doubled in volume, that’s a bad sign.“, wrote last night Jean-Marc Morandini.

Jean-Marc Morandini will have to undergo an operation

A little later in the evening, the former presenter of Everything is possible published new photos showing the x-rays of his left hand. “Good and well it’s broken and it is necessary to operate. I’ll do this at the weekend, I want to be on the air tomorrow for you“said the host, who will therefore still be present on CNews and NRJ 12 this weekend to ensure the presentation of his two shows.

Immediately, his followers and especially his close friends came forward to give him all their support. Like her great friend and star buyer of Affaire concluded, Caroline Margeridon. “You are the best. Love“, she wrote. “Take care of yourself”, “Ouch… thin:/ good I hope it will be better next week courage JM health above all”, “what courage jean marc and thank you for ensuring the antenna tomorrow show must go on”, “Carrément broken and well the weekend will be very chaotic! Sorry for you! You must be very brave“, demonstrated the internet users in support of the host of CNews.

See also: “Stop, you’re French it’s embarrassing”: this tweet from Omar Sy which divides the Web!

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