this big dumpling in front of the voting booth, filmed by the cameras of the news channels!

This Sunday, April 24, 2022, French voters have a duty to go to the polls to decide between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. This morning, the candidate for the National Rally voted in Hénin-Beaumont, in Pas-de-Calais. For his part, the outgoing president should return his ballot to Le Touquet. The other candidates eliminated in the first round also go to the various polling stations. If Éric Zemmour voted in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, Jean-Luc Mélenchon made his choice in Marseille. As for Valérie Pecresse, the representative of the “Let’s be free” party voted in Vélizy-Villacoublay, in the Yvelines.

big dumpling

Since then, a video of the politician broadcast on BFM TV has caused a buzz on the Web. Indeed, the wife of Jérôme Pécresse was seen leaving the polling station before going to the voting booth. Distracted, the mother of Emilie, Baptiste and Clément forgot to vote. Recalled by those present on the spot, the one who is personally indebted to the tune of 5 million euros then turned around under the lens of the cameras of our colleagues. Images that have aroused strong reactions on social networks.

On Twitter, the comments are piling up. “ When you’re in too much of a hurry to collect the money from your leetchi kitty and you forget to vote… “, wrote in particular Maxime Riou by sharing the video. ” When she’s not damned to find the voting booth, but how could she have managed a country ? “, was indignant a user under the publication. Others, meanwhile, did not fail to make fun of the blunder of Valérie Pécresse. ” But that she sucks from A to Z, it’s a sketch”, “And she was a candidate for the election? » or ” Madam 8:20 p.m. ruined who votes for her favorite banker, it’s too cute “. So many messages that will surely not please the politician.


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