this big clash between a beauty queen and Sylvie Tellier…

December 15, 2018 was a memorable day for Vaimalama Chaves. At the Zénith de Lille, the young woman elected Miss Tahiti a few months earlier was crowned Miss France 2019. By winning the competition, Vaimalama Chaves became the fifth Miss Tahiti to win the Miss France election.

The one who has already recorded two singles, “Jardin d’hiver”, a cover of Henri Salvador, and “Your name already”, as well as an album, “Good Vaïbes”, returned to this crazy experience during a interview granted to Jordan De Luxe in his program Chez Jordan for the site Télé Loisirs. And the miss with a strong character confided in her privileged relationship with Sylvie Tellier, general manager of the company Miss France.

And if everything went well between the two women, an altercation did however take place, as revealed by Vaimalama Chaves. “It was the time we went on the set of Laurent Ruquier in ‘On n’est pas couche’. He had said that the birth rate was falling and that Miss France was invited to give ideas. What was the idea he was implying? I didn’t appreciate that very much. So, I went to Le Parisien to say that I didn’t find it nice that he invited France to jerk off on the Miss France image. I had said the word ‘wank’ instead of ‘masturbate’, and so it clashed. She said to me: ‘It’s not very Miss to say that'”, she recalled. A muscular development that the beauty queen understands very well with hindsight: “If we do the things that need to be done, there is no problem. If, on the contrary, we overflow, which is completely normal from a chef, she reframes us“, she let go.

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