This Bergeracois duo will open for Ben Mazué on Friday (and it’s their first scene together)

Pages on social networks created in an express way in a weekend (last week), a first clip made in Bergerac where they come from and already a first scene in the first part of a concert-event in Dordogne: the Ben Mazué concert Friday, February 18, 2022.

A little stressed, but all these first times to live, it’s very beautiful Yoan Demi-Plume

Two universes each, assembled now

Not close during childhood, “a relationship that did not exist”, explains Marion. Things have evolved: a step towards each other, closer ties and a musical project that has just been born Demi-Plume.

“Music was part of our rapprochement. We realized that beyond our brother/sister relationship, which didn’t work too well, we still had a common vision of things and lots of points in common”they say.

La Plume, the first music video

Their story is the fabric on which arises a first edited song and which was the subject of a clip shot in Bergerac, with the help of friends and Michel Manet Cultural Center whose director Stéphane Dugué acted as matchmaker with the production of Ben Mazué.

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The people of Bergerac are starting to hear about this duo, who will surely make people hear about them with their music.
As Marion’s former music teacher says, “You are no longer IN middle school music class, you ARE middle school music class”.

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