this behavior that bothered everyone!

This 92th Miss France election has still made a lot of talk about it. While the Web cries to the rigging of votes following the election of Miss Ile de France, Diane Leyre, the jury is criticized for his every move. But they are not the only ones to have a price for their rank. Presenter of the ceremony for more than 25 years on TF1, Jean-Pierre Foucault has also been entitled to some criticism this year.

Always benevolent and ready to relax the atmosphere on the set, Jean-Pierre Foucault has let himself go a little this year. Faced with a Miss Guyana a little too pipelette to argue the reasons that would make her a wonderful beauty queen, the presenter then had to stop her. “I am a committed young woman…” – “Attention Miss” Jean-Pierre Foucault stopped it for the first time.

But the young woman did not seem concerned with the rules, “In any case, this Miss France title…” – “Please” adds the latter in a slightly drier tone. But Mélysa Stephenson had every intention of going all the way “Sorry I’m finishing. In any case thanks to you if you allow me to become Miss France…”, well nobody will know since Jean-Pierre Foucault was obliged to stop him definitively “Oh no no you have to stop miss! It’s a minute we share perfectly and we congratulate you on your actions.“.

The rules are the rules. Each Miss is only entitled to one minute to speak … If the presenter still lets the candidates finish their sentences, when they go too far, the latter is forced to stick out. Aware of having been a little abrupt, Sylvie Tellier’s sidekick then justified himself “I’m the “bad guy” but in reality you all have a minute and it would be discourteous of others to do more“. But … Internet users had already reacted on Twitter!

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