this ban imposed on Kelly Vedovelli

The start of the school year is fast approaching. And this is not just for children or students. Indeed, animators and presenters will also return to work and launch the new season of the various programs. TPMP, for example, will sign its return on August 29 to the delight of viewers. The latter will be able to count on a fully inflated team, which was able to take advantage of its holidays to recharge its batteries.

Kelly Vedovelli, for example, has traveled many times and has never ceased to make her followers dream with the sublime landscapes or the wild parties that she shared on her social networks. She also surprised a good part of her fans when she appeared in the company of Benjamin Castaldi and announced that she was going on vacation with her colleague from Do not touch My TV. The former presenter Secret Story even allowed him to realize one of his dreams: to take a ride in a helicopter.

Bernard Montiel wants to be housed in the same boat as Benjamin Castaldi

But all good things come to an end and all the columnists had to go home to prepare for the start of the school year. If it will not be until August 29 that Cyril Hanouna will officially launch the new season of TPMP, this does not prevent his team from getting to work before time, as proven by the intensive training shared by Benjamin Castaldi. To think about future chronicles and find new ways to engage viewers.

Kelly Vedovelli, Benjamin Castaldi, Valérie Benaïm or Bernard Montiel therefore met this Tuesday, August 23 to get back in the bath a few days before returning to the set on C8. This gives the former presenter the opportunity to Video Gag to “settle accounts” with Kelly who, a few minutes earlier, let Benjamin Castaldi know that he had missed him. “I saw you say to Benji ‘I missed you’, and you didn’t miss me? I’m jealous”he threw at her before warning her “I forbid you to talk to anyone”. A way of marking his territory, although it was ironic.

See also: Photos: Kelly Vedovelli: her luxury vacation in Monaco and with the best of companies!


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