This bad news that the weather presenter has just announced on the heat wave which is falling on France!

Météo France has placed this Wednesday, June 15, 23 departments in heat wave orange vigilance! The following day, Thursday June 16, “temperatures will be rising over a large part of the country: the heat wave thresholds will be reached in the South-West, the Pays de la Loire and the middle Rhône valley”. Maximum temperatures will be between 35 and 40 degrees in these regions. And concerning, Friday and Saturday these scorching heat could extend over part of the northern half of France.“Today, 1st day of a very intense and early heat wave, lasting at least five days. Peak from Friday to Saturday depending on the region (35 to 40°C over 3/4 of the France) before a slowdown on Sunday. Extension of heat wave orange vigilance to follow tomorrow”wrote the weather report on his account Twitter.

Passing through C to you on France 5Evelyne Dhéliat reacted to the high heat forecast for the next few days. “These heat records are more and more frequent, especially these high temperatures and these heat waves. What we can see is that these heat waves are getting earlier and earlier, June, and are also getting later and later. We often have heat waves until September”she said adding that we “lives something exceptional.”

Columnist Matthieu Belliard then unveiled an image of a fake weather report dating back to 2014 about what the temperatures were going to look like in 2050. “So you see Nantes, 38 degrees! Well, I have the temperatures city by city for Friday and in Nantes, we have 40 degrees. And it’s June. It’s impressive!”, she commented. At the time, these forecasts had surprised her: “I had worked with Météo France, which makes the projections. When they sent me the map, I told them: ‘no, but wait, it’s not possible!’ And finally, we smashed the records”she recalled. “In July 2019, 42.6 degrees in Paris, it had never been so hot. And on June 28, 2019, 46 degrees, it was in Vérargues in the Hérault, that’s an absolute record. He had never done so hot in France!”

See also: Evelyne Dhéliat too popular: The weather presenter spotted almost incognito in a shop by a fan

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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