this astrological sign is the most popular of the zodiac!

If Gemini or Scorpio are considered the most feared and unloved astrological signs of the zodiac, another astrological sign enjoys an excellent reputation. This is obviously Cancer. A sweet and endearing native who is hard not to appreciate.

See also: Your astro love week!

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

As a true Water sign, Cancer is a very sensitive being. Very comfortable with his feelings, this native – unlike Scorpio who is also a Water sign – has no trouble sharing his feelings and expressing himself about what he feels. A blue flower side that generally appeals to those around him. And for good reason, even in the event of a conflict, this astrological sign is mature and transparent enough to communicate – without getting upset – and tell their interlocutor what they don’t like.

In addition, Cancer, thanks to his calm personality and his affectionate temperament, is a person to whom his loved ones are used to turning in case of a problem. Very patient and attentive, this extremely benevolent astrological sign tends to give good advice.

So many qualities and positive character traits that explain why this astrological sign perceived as the “teddy bear” of the zodiac is so appreciated! Be careful though, despite his zen attitude, this Water sign is not a naive person. If he displays an unfailing kindness, this hand stretched out towards his loved ones suddenly disappears as soon as this native feels he is wronged or that the person in front of him takes advantage of his kindness.


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