This astrological sign is the most insomniac of the zodiac!

Night has fallen for several hours already, you are comfortably lying in your bed, the light is off just like your smartphone… However, nothing helps, you can’t sleep! If this often painful situation often happens to you, rest assured, you are very far from being an exception. The proof, no less than 70% of French people complain of suffering from frequent sleep disorders. A true nightmare which astrological sign is more likely to face: Scorpios. Explanations.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)

A true night owl, Scorpio is one of those people who are more creative and productive after dark. A true sleeper, the latter is not the type to like going to bed early because he loves above all these little moments of the day which are entirely dedicated to him. Precious time which he takes advantage of to watch a film, write, paint, or simply lead a great introspection.

If Scorpio is the astrological sign most likely to suffer from sleep disorders, it is also because this native is constantly thinking. Putting his brain on “off” is a complicated thing for this Water sign who does not always manage to let go enough to find the arms of Morpheus… This undoubtedly explains why this night owl very often has waking failures The morning !


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