This astrological sign is the most faithful of the zodiac!

If Sagittarius is reputed to be the most charming astrological sign, but also the most unfaithful in the zodiac, other natives are just the opposite! An Earth sign is also renowned for its sense of unyielding commitment and loyalty. This is Taurus. Explanations!

Taurus: the most loyal astrological sign

Good news if you are in a relationship with a man or a woman born between April 20 and May 21, since you have come across the most faithful native of the zodiac! The reason ? The second sign of the zodiac is simply unable to do to their spouse what they dread so much, which is to be unfaithful to them. Romantic, loyal and honest, this native usually only sees through his half when he is in a relationship.

Jealous by nature, the Taurus usually lives exclusively monogamous relationships and does not conceive of polyamory insofar as he believes that happiness is simply lived in two. Very Cartesian, this native is aware that communication is the key to good understanding when he is in a relationship … So, if he feels like going to see if the grass is not greener elsewhere, this the latter will tell his other half about it or simply end his relationship.

Convinced that if he feels the need to please again, it is because something is wrong with his relationship … However, the Taurus will never fail while you have your back turned … On the contrary, he will be unable to be unfaithful if his love affair is not over!

In a relationship with a Mr. or Mrs. Taurus, you therefore have nothing to worry about since this native will not betray your trust.


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