this animator struck down after a terrible breakup

Thunderbolt in the PAF in 2016. To everyone’s surprise, Julien Lepers was ousted from “Questions for a champion” in February, replaced by Samuel Etienne. “We decided to keep Questions for a champion with a new host, a new setting and renewed questions”, had then explained Dana Hastier, the director of the chain. A news which had necessarily been very painful for Julien Lepers, thanked after more than twenty-seven years at the head of the emblematic game of Three.

But the animator has suffered other disappointments during his life … and not only professional! Guest of the program “Chez Jordan” on the Télé Loisirs site, Julien Lepers spoke of a sentimental story that broke his heart. Although this disappointment in love dates back many years, the host has not forgotten the dismay that has inhabited him. “It was 25 years ago. Someone you adore and who adores you leaves, when you think you’re fine in a relationship. She decides to leave. ‘Hello ! Yes, I will take a step back. For no reason, nothing at all. From one hour to the next, you’re in the bottom“, he confided.

The one whose resemblance to actor Michael Keaton has often been noticed never knew the reasons for this departure: “That’s the worst of the worst in our romantic relationship. It caused me to have a really strong depression. I wondered how I was gonna get out of this“remembered the host. A discomfort that lasted more than a year and that the host had to manage as much as he was on the air at the time. “I was a wreck. I had to hide it, to be in great shape. So, double effort. Because on television, you have to give”, he confided not without emotion.

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