this amazing photo relayed on Instagram

Did you know that Kareen Guiock has been working for the M6 ​​group for more than 20 years? It was in 2001 that the journalist joined the company to work on the editorial staff of the magazine “Turbo”. In 2010, she then began working for the channel’s news where she wrote the column called “Explain to us” devoted to questions from Internet users at the end of the program. It was then from September 2012 that she presented the “12:45”, the famous midday newspaper, broadcast from Monday to Friday.

A few weeks ago, the journalist also made some revelations about her debut on M6 in a podcast. “I was fiercely opposed to quotas, in particular because I suffered from a suspicion of incompetence because in the end I was assimilated to a form of quota”, she explained. “Besides, I also suffered it when I was at Turbo, because I was the only woman in the editorial staff. In everyday life, people imagined that I was at Turbo only because I was a girl. and not because I was competent”, she recalled bitterly.

Kareen Guiock poses on magazine cover
This Tuesday, August 9, 2022, the darling of Lilian Thuram shared on Instagram, a surprising old photo, a magazine cover where she was posing, very made up. “When you tidy up and rediscover beautiful memories… Here is the cover of Winkler, a webzine created by the talented photographer Mario Epanya” she says in the caption. A rather surprising photo since we are more used to seeing the beautiful journalist in the natural and much less made up.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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