“This affair has shattered my life”, confides the former first deputy Gilles Artigues to “Special envoy”

In a report to see Thursday, June 15 on France 2, the victim of this case speaks for the first time on television to tell six years of nightmare. Here is an exerpt.

It is a scandal that has shaken the town hall of Saint-Etienne since it broke out in 2022, but the case dates back to the beginning of 2015, when Gilles Artigues was filmed without his knowledge in a hotel room with an escort. boy. In the fall of 2016, the wife of this first deputy mayor Gaël Perdriau began to wonder what “was happening at the town hall for Gilles to be in this state”. On these six years of nightmare, Gilles Artigues confides Thursday, June 15 in “Special Envoy” on France 2.

Gilles Artigues was the victim of an intimate video trap. “I spoke to the mayor, Gaël Perdriau, to help me, he explains. He listened to me, said nothing, and absolutely nothing happened.” A few weeks later, after a meeting where a disagreement opposed them, the mayor came to find him, according to his words: “You will no longer publicly disagree with me. Otherwise, I will publish the images you know”, did he threaten him, says Gilles Artigues. “From thereconcludes the first deputy, I understood that not only was he not going to defend me or denounce this trap, but that he was also going to use it to muzzle me.”

“This case shattered my life, it brutally interrupted my political career… I was threatened with broadcasting images shot without my knowledge. It’s blackmail, it’s harassment and it’s torture. terrible moral torture.”

Gilles Artigues, former first deputy mayor of Saint-Etienne (from 2014 to 2022)

to “Special Envoy”

Gilles Rossary Lenglet, a relative of an elected member of the municipal majority, admits facing the camera of “Special Envoy” to be “the author” of this “kompromat”, “so that some people can ‘hold on'” Gilles Artigues. He claims to have had the idea for this video and to have mounted it.

Was the mayor of Saint-Etienne aware of this blackmail, as Gilles Artigues is convinced? Is it he who has sponsored this intimate video? Asked about the recordings where we hear him alluding to this “sextape”, Gaël Perdriau, who was indicted for blackmail in April, did not wish to speak, for the sake of “respect the work of judges” and the “secret of instruction”he explains.

A report by Valérie Astruc, Clément Le Goff and Hervé Pozzo to see in “Special Envoy” on France 2 Thursday, June 15.

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