this “accident” just before singing with Johnny Hallyday

Stress can sometimes put you in awkward situations. But add to that a pregnancy and your mind can quickly be more disturbed than usual. It is probably not Jenifer who will say the opposite. The winner of the first season of the star Academy has lived incredible moments since she left the tele-hook of TF1. And others, a bit more embarrassing that she doesn’t want to forget.

Indeed, who would want to forget a duet with Johnny Hallyday at the Parc des Princes in front of 60,000 people? Nobody and even if a small “accident” occurred just before going on stage alongside him. Something that Jenifer was experiencing several years ago as she confided to Nathalie Levy this Thursday, November 10 in As an aside on Canal+.

A pregnancy that played tricks on Jenifer

The one who admitted, during the same interview, to having been traumatized by her time in the star Academy indeed remembered that moment when she was singing I promise you in the den of PSG in the company of Taulier. An important moment for her at the time, which pushes her to invite her parents. Singing with the ex-glory of rock is not given to everyone and Jenifer already knew it at the time. “I am so admiring, like many people and I have this privilege to be able to share this moment with him”she confides to Nathalie Levy.

But things didn’t quite go as planned. Especially just before going on stage: “I was in front of 60,000, had my vocal cords completely retracted and was 20. I was pregnant with my first child, so with the hormones doing good, I had it all. I threw up just before going on stage, I was afraid that he would smell that I had bad breath!, she admits, bursting out laughing but still as embarrassed as she remembers the situation. In the end, it seems that the Taulier did not realize anything and that the two were able to share a wonderful moment despite the incident.

See also: Jenifer cash on her cigarette consumption and her current state of health


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