Video length: 3 mins.
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Burglaries increased by 11% in France last year. In Paris, thirty burglaries are committed per day. What are the targeted accommodations? What are the methods of thieves?
With the flash of his phone, a thief quietly searches shelves with his bare hands and without tools, looking for money, jewelry or valuables. This scene has become common in Paris. There are nearly thirty burglaries a day. A building has also undergone a dozen attempts last year. The doors keep traces of burglary: some locks have been smashed, and crowbar marks are still visible.
Inexperienced burglars
However, the building is equipped with an intercom and CCTV cameras. But nothing discourages the thugs. In addition, wooden doors are very fragile, guaranteeing a quick break-in. “We have a time slot between 12 p.m., 2 p.m. or even 3 p.m., where we have a lot of break-ins (…). If people do not answer the intercom, we know that they are at work and not on the train of sleeping”explain Clément Oberlin, SGP-FO Police Unit delegate. Burglars are often without equipment and inexperienced. Offenders whose young age is increasingly surprising the police. In Paris, flights have increased by 8.8% over the last six months.