thirteen NGOs call for an immediate ceasefire

As fighting and bombings continue in the Gaza Strip, tthirteen NGOs called on Wednesday, November 8 for a “immediate ceasefire” in the Palestinian enclave and “guarantee the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza and respect for international humanitarian law”. These organizations, including Doctors Without Borders and Amnesty International, “call on Emmanuel Macron and the heads of state and government and world leaders present in Paris on Thursday to do everything in their power to obtain an immediate ceasefire”they wrote in a joint press release, on the eve of the humanitarian conference organized at the Elysée. Earlier in the day, the French presidency estimated that everyone had “interest in the humanitarian situation improving in Gaza, including Israel”. Follow our live stream.

Hamas accuses the UN of “collusion” with Israel. The Palestinian Islamist movement accused the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in a statement on Wednesday of “collusion” with Israel in the “forced displacement” of the population from the north of the Gaza Strip to the south. He accused UNRWA of having let the Palestinian population “without shelter, without water, without food, or treatment” and to have “turns a deaf ear to the cries of pain and suffering”.

“No occupation” in sight in Gaza, according to Israeli diplomacy. Israel “will not reoccupy the Gaza Strip”assured Ron Dermer, in an interview with the American channel MSNBC, broadcast Tuesday evening. “Once Hamas is no longer in power, and after its infrastructure is dismantled, Israel must have overall security responsibility for an indefinite period.”, did he declare. Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that Israel should ensure the Palestinian enclave “overall responsibility for safety” at the end of the fighting.

The G7 calls for “humanitarian breaks and corridors” in Gaza. The G7 foreign ministers pleaded in Tokyo on Wednesday for this solution in order to protect civilians. At the same time, they reaffirmed Israel’s right to “to defend oneself” against Hamas. The heads of G7 diplomacy also urged Iran not to support the Palestinian terrorist movement and Lebanese Hezbollah, and not to do anything that could “destabilize the Middle East”.

“No humanitarian truce without the return of the hostages.” The Israeli Minister of Defense hammered home, on Tuesday, his refusal of a humanitarian truce without the release of the more than 240 people kidnapped, according to the count communicated by the Israeli authorities, during the deadly Hamas attacks on October 7.

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