Thirteen new candidates for Cooperstown

(New York) David Ortiz, Ryan Howard, Tim Lincecum and Alex Rodriguez are among 13 candidates whose names first appear in the Baseball Columnists Association of America (BBWAA) Hall of Fame ballot, joining the 17 others already on the list.

Stars Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens, whose careers have been tarnished by the steroid scandal, make their 10e and last on the ballots with Curt Schilling, short of 16 votes for the 75% needed in last year’s poll. Schilling was on 71.1% of the ballots, Bonds 61.8% and Clemens 61.6%.

Justin Morneau, Jimmy Rollins and Jake Peavy are also among the newcomers to the newsletter along with Carl Crawford, Prince Fielder, Joe Nathan, Jonathan Papelbon, AJ Pierzynski and Mark Teixeira.

Other nominees include Bobby Abreu, Mark Buehrle, Todd Helton, Tim Hudson, Torii Hunter, Andruw Jones, Jeff Kent, Andy Pettitte, Manny Ramirez, Gary Sheffield, Sammy Sosa, Omar Vizquel and Billy Wagner.

Sosa will also be on the ballot for the last time after receiving 17% last year.

BBWAA members with at least 10 consecutive years of membership are eligible to vote. Ballots must be mailed by December 31st and the results will be announced on January 25th.

All elected players will be inducted into the Cooperstown Hall of Fame on July 24.

Clemens denied using doping to improve his performance and Bonds denied knowingly using steroids. Bonds was also charged with domestic violence and Clemens with having had a 10-year romantic relationship with a singer who was 15 when they met.

Rodriguez was suspended during the 2014 season for violating anti-doping policy and the Major Baseball collective agreement, and Ortiz’s name was reportedly on a list of players who tested positive during an investigation in 2003.

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