National ADHD Awareness Day – Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity – is an opportunity to inform, raise awareness, and raise awareness and recognition of this little-known disorder.
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Two million children and adults suffer from attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) in France! This neurodevelopmental disorder, whose main manifestations are fluctuating attention, impulsivity, and sometimes hyperactivity, is complex to diagnose and understand.
However, it is imperative that it be diagnosed and taken care of, because it generates many repercussions on all spheres of life: family, school, social and professional. Often interpreted as a bad education, because the signs can be the same, it leaves children in pain, and exhausted and destitute parents. It is in this context that the association “ADHD For Equal Opportunities” initiated in 2021 the first national ADHD day.
Monday, June 12, 2023 is National ADHD Awareness Day, led by ADHD for Equal Opportunity.
This mobilization aims to make known and recognize ADHD among the general public, teachers, health professionals, to alert public authorities to the urgent need for recognition and management of ADHD in France.
Many solutions exist to take care of ADHD, but trained health professionals are lacking, very expensive check-ups and rehabilitations are not reimbursed, and teachers, from the public to the fore, are not trained to identify the disorder.
National ADHD Day website
ADHD equal opportunity
Dates to remember