Third link in Quebec | Better to be associated with Greta Thunberg than with the oil industry

The author addresses the Premier of Quebec, François Legault

Guy Gagne

Guy Gagne
Retired education sector manager

Prime Minister, recently, following the complaints against the Eastern REM, you declared: “We have heard you. We have to do a lot to make the project more acceptable ”. Quebecers can’t wait to hear similar words from you about the third link!

Régis Labeaume, once again a simple citizen, after so many others, questioned in a very measured way various aspects of the tunnel: it is poorly positioned, the traffic coming mainly from the west; motorists would save little time; the population of the South Shore is expected to remain stable; urban sprawl would be favored, etc. Not to mention the pharaonic cost!

Also to be feared, a possible legal saga with Ottawa, which has the possibility of blocking projects likely to harm the achievement of greenhouse gas reduction objectives.

It’s hard to believe, as Transport Minister François Bonnardel asserts, that the project would be carbon neutral. The tunnel would be 8.3 kilometers long, 19.4 meters in diameter. No doubt, we could make a mountain with all the rock and earth that we will have to excavate. It is estimated that 2.5 million tonnes of concrete will then be needed to create this tube. Basically, the annual production capacity of the McInnis cement plant, the most polluting plant in Quebec… No matter how much we want to plant trees!

This project is the result of a promise made during the 2018 election. It was probably developed in a hurry, without studies or consultations. The equivalent of diving into a swimming pool without knowing its depth.

Even today, we do not know the composition of the soils under the river and the impact of the Logan fault which runs along the cliff on the Quebec side. Factors which, at the limit, could make the project technically or financially unfeasible.

Mr. Legault, you are a pragmatic man, not a dogmatic one. In the past, you have admitted that you were wrong. To change your mind. Quebeckers did not hold it against you. On the contrary, they admired your humility and courage.

In this case, it would be to your credit to take a step back and return to the basic objective. Namely, improving mobility between Quebec and Lévis.

With the various authorities concerned, including the city halls of Quebec and Lévis, we must turn all the stones and develop an overall vision of transport between the two shores. Remembering that the goal is not primarily to move cars, but people!

So public transport is part of the solutions. There is no emergency, the two bridges are not at the end of their life. That we take the time necessary to define the optimal solutions while keeping the billions on the table. Your promise would not be broken. People will accept.

Safeguarding the environment

Ouranos indicates that Quebec is on the path for a global warming of 4 degrees. Mr. Legault, protecting the environment is an issue that concerns many Quebecers. As proof, the last municipal elections brought to power several candidates who positioned themselves firmly as environmentalists!

Mr. Legault, the tunnel project ended up eclipsing any other positive steps you may have taken. This has become the symbol of a lack of conviction in the face of environmental challenges. No credibility without consistency!

The CAQ thus leaves a lot of “ice” in Quebec solidaire in particular, whose environmental objectives are very high. Positioning on the political spectrum which risks attracting many young and old in the next elections.

Today, in the race to keep the planet habitable for future generations, it is better to be associated with Greta Thunberg than with the oil industry!

Mr. Legault, by quickly putting aside the tunnel project, you would be making a very strong gesture. You would make an extraordinary gift to all Quebecers. And also to your political formation!

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