Third link: Bernard Drainville asks Duhaime to join the CAQ

The candidate of the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) Bernard Drainville reaches out to the leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec Éric Duhaime in the file of the third link.

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“Rather than each working on their own separate project, it seems to me that Éric [Duhaime] should join our project. »

The one who is eyeing the seat of deputy in Lévis, thus reacted to the remarks of Mr. Duhaime who presented, this morning, the beginnings of his project for the construction of a bridge between the two shores which would pass by Île d’Orléans .

According to Mr. Drainville, the people met in the field want a third link and to do so, we have to go ahead with the CAQ’s idea of ​​building a tunnel.

“There are already drillings that are underway, there are works that have started on the 20, so things are progressing. […] We have to stop always starting from scratch,” says Bernard Drainville, who said he was disappointed with Éric Duhaime.

Like his leader, the CAQ candidate also hit the nail on the head of the social acceptability of a project like that of the Conservatives.

“What he is proposing is to build a highway on Île d’Orléans, it won’t pass. »

source site-64