Raphaël Glucksmann presents his program on Wednesday for the European elections on June 9. In third position in the polls, the head of the PS list is coming under fire from the Macronists and the left.
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Since Raphaël Glucksmann is installed between 13 and 14% in the polls, he has become a target. Latest episode, Sunday May 12, on France 3. During his appearance on the show Sunday in politics, the head of the PS-Place Publique list does not come out in favor of retirement at 60 for all French people. Almost immediately, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the rebellious candidate Manon Aubry, LFI deputies and activists came upon him on social networks, with this reminder that retirement at 60 was the Nupes program for the 2022 legislative elections. Messages are multiplying on the theme “left of shame”, “treason”, “scam”, “return of the old Socialist Party”even “return of dutchism”the ultimate insult in Mélenchonist language.
The communist candidate Léon Deffontaines also sings the refrain of “New Holland”. When environmentalists accuse Raphaël Glucksmann, who will present his program on Wednesday May 15, of not being “fairly eco-friendly”, to prevent it from becoming the useful vote on the left and siphoning off Marie Toussaint’s list. Some green elected officials give it a “credibility on international issues” but nothing more. A PS leader plays down the drama, “it’s proportional who wants that, those who have immediate borders with you hit you very hard”.
Except that Raphaël Glucksmann has a “immediate border” additional to manage, with the Macronists. After trying the strategy “Glucksmann should be with us”Valérie Hayer now qualifies it “of the tree that hides the Nupes”. An advisor to Emmanuel Macron even says that “voting Glucksmann means voting Mélenchon”because of number 3 on the list, Pierre Jouvet, one of the architects of Nupes in spring 2022. Pierre Jouvet does not shy away from this crossfire which, at this stage in any case, does not lower the intentions of vote, “When the right finds us too far to the left, and the left of the left finds us too far to the right, we are in the right place.”
After June 9, Raphaël Glucksmann promises not to “disappear”. But there is no hidden announcement for the presidential election in there, assures a relative, it’s just that it “feels responsible that this hope on the left is not subsequently disappointed”. “He will be with us to build the future” deciphers a PS leader, while the socialists dream of regaining leadership on the left. Even if an ecologist recalls, supported by the experience of Yannick Jadot, that “the hype of Europeans never translates into success afterwards”.