Third dose of COVID-19 vaccine: 80-year-olds and over can now make an appointment

People aged 80 and over who live in their home can now make an appointment to receive a booster dose.

The appointment is offered through the ClicSanté site to people in this age group who received their last dose at least six months ago.

According to the Department of Health, 392,783 people aged 80 and over are eligible for this booster dose.

Those aged 75 and over will in turn be able to make an appointment for a booster dose from November 18 and those aged 70 and over, from November 23.

See also: How do Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines work?

The national director of public health, Dr. Horacio Arruda, explained last week that the Committee on immunization of Quebec had observed a decline in immunity in those 80 years and over where there is “perhaps a small increase in the hospitalization rate, which is not yet the case between the ages of 70 and 79 ”.

People 70 and over will still have access to the third dose “out of caution”, declared Quebec.

In addition, people who have received two doses of AstraZeneca vaccine, regardless of their age, will be able to register for a dose of an mRNA vaccine – either Pfizer’s or Moderna’s – starting November 25. .

In all cases, the deadline of six months since the last dose must be respected.

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