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The battle for Kiev continues on Saturday February 26. Fighting against Russian forces is still taking place in the center of the capital where a curfew has been declared until Monday morning.
A Russian missile has just hit a 20-storey building on the morning of Saturday February 26. At the place ofimpact now finds a gaping hole. A firefighter searches for survivors with a flashlight. The rescuers evacuate the victims, while a survivor calls his relatives to reassure them. “We managed to escape, we were lucky”he says.
The building was probably not targeted, but was in the Kiev airport area, a strategic point of the fighting. The Russian army attempts to invade the capital, but encounters resistance. In a hotel, Ukrainian security forces barricade themselves. It was reservists who responded to the president’s call for general mobilization Zelensky. The Ukrainian President continues to show his determination. In the afternoon, he declares on television: “we resisted, successfully repelling the enemy’s attacks. The fighting continues, it is our army that controls Kiev and the key towns around the capital city”. A total curfew has been imposedresidents are no longer allowed to go out until Monday.