thinking that the microphone was cut, Jean-Luc Mélenchon attacks a presidential candidate 2022 on M6

In less than a month, the first ballot for the 2022 Presidential Elections will take place. In the meantime, the battle is still up to date between the candidates who multiply the public appearances between meetings, televised debates etc… This is the case of Jean-Luc Melenchon. Known for his strong character and outspokenness, he rarely goes unnoticed.

We think in particular of the time he cropped Anne-Sophie Lapixhad to have taken up “a rumor which risks doing damage within the population” by not encouraging them to be vaccinated when only 42% of Guadeloupeans over the age of 12 are currently vaccinated. The politician then said: “So I would have had to say ‘Ms. Lapix told me to tell you that it’s not good, children, you don’t know what you are doing’? Listen ma’am, that’s not how you We do. Do your job, I do mine. That’s how we do politics. People aren’t things, people aren’t children, we don’t give them orders, we convince them. They are free citizens, and it is not because it is in the West Indies that we are going to do it with blows of chicote “.

The one who was recently mocked by Jean-Pascal Lacoste because of his physique was expected this Friday, March 25, 2022 in the 19.45 on M6. And once again, Eric Zemmour’s rival was able to present certain points of his program and answer questions from Nathalie Renoux. If everything went smoothly, Jean-Luc Mélenchon slipped at the end of his interview when being thanked by the journalist.

He then had time to attend the launch of a subject evoking Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, candidate of Debout la France for the presidential election, concerning his visit to a private school in Marseilles where he “declined its program in terms of education“.

“He advocates a return to basics, listen” dropped the facilitator. For his part, the politician had not realized that the microphone was not cut and gave his little comment by dropping: “He doesn’t know anything about it, it doesn’t surprise me“. A sequence that will still make noise …

See also: Jean-Luc Mélenchon tackles Michel Cymes

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