think about reusable gift wrapping

After Christmas our trash cans are often filled with torn gift wrap. To avoid this waste, there is the Japanese technique of Furoshiki: wrapping gifts in fabric.

Article written by

France Info – Théo Matton-Régimbeau

Radio France


Reading time: 2 min

A gift wrapped with fabric during an exhibition dedicated to the Japanese technique of Furoshiki, in Paris, October 31, 2018. (ETIENNE LAURENT / EPA / MAXPPP)

In her office, Véronique, from Atelier Lutèce has a lot of fabrics, all intended for wrapping gifts. “I got you some fabrics: there’s a little bit of a glittery side, which reminds you of Christmas. Of course, they’re all cotton!”enthuses Véronique who offers workshops to learn Japanese Furoshiki folding.

She explains how to fold and fold the fabric which can be used to wrap all kinds of gifts: books, shoes… “It’s like paper folding. What you need to do is of course always rework the sides, so that it’s clean”, details Véronique. Then the folding ends with a knot on the top, no more need for tape. A gift package “really responsible”according to Véronique. “Your fabric, you will be able to use it many times in the end. Exactly, for Christmas, you unwrap your gift once and then you throw away the paper which you will not be able to reuse. Whereas here you are not going to rip”she explains.

Use the fabric again

This furoshiki technique is starting to gain followers. Laurence adopted her two years ago. “On December 26, when we go to the yellow trash and throw away cubic meters of paper, it hurts my heart. What I’m looking for above all is the motive and what matters is that this reserve fabric”, says this mother of three who now does her own packaging. All types of fabrics are suitable. For novices, you need to think about the size, choosing a fabric large enough to completely cover the gift.

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