THIERRY THEVENIN AUTHOR of the book – LES PLANTES DU CHAOS. Published by LUCIEN SOUNY. (vero) And if plant pests were allies? Since 1987, Thierry Thévenin has been a producer of medicinal plants and a gatherer of wild plants. In 2009, you received the Paul Sébillot prize for French folklore, awarded with the Claude-Seignolle Prize for your book on wild plants which is based on the oral memory of the use of plants. From 2010 to 2016 you regularly appear in the health magazine on France 5 for the “Allo Docteur” section. In 2015, you co-founded the association “Old roots and young shoots”Note 2, an association, a farm-school and editions to transmit the practice of plants. You have participated in many documentary films
Thierry lives in Mérinchal in our beautiful Creusois country.