Thierry Olive (Love is in the meadow) deprived of sex because of his illness? Heartbreaking Confidences

Tonight on his show 20 years of love on television, M6 looks back on the outstanding couples who have formed on screen in recent years through various programs. Among the best known: Love is in the meadow. A program that the farmer Thierry Olive left his mark on in 2012, for the 10th edition. His relationship with Annie – whom he will have married since despite some family tensions – will in particular have caused a lot of ink to flow.

Unfortunately, his name is often mentioned for another much less positive reason: his diabetes. Last May, when he was questioned by Matthieu Delormeau, presenter of the TPMP People program, about his current situation with Annie, he reassured everyone by assuring, at first, that everything was fine “very good“, before making an unexpected confidence about his sex life. He had notably revealed to have “put the small tool in the drawer, a little“because of his health problems.”I am soon to retire, my wife too. I already have a hip prosthesis, I have diabetes” he had indicated.

Thank you Fort Boyard?

As a reminder, he had participated in a completely offbeat video in October 2018, in which he had disguised himself as Tom Hanks, Liz Taylor or even Sharon Stone, then claiming to have an unfortunate common point with these stars: diabetes. A few days later, he decided to raise awareness among the French about screening for the disease on the occasion of World Diabetes Day.

In the columns of Tele-Leisure, he also decided to say a little more about his illness, making at the same time a surprising confidence about how he learned the news. “Four years ago, when I did Fort Boyard for the second time, I didn’t feel well. I was advised to go see my doctor.” he explained, before revealing that, thanks to this alert, the diagnosis fell from his doctor. Suffering from diabetes, he was forced to “to slow down“his activities, thus forcing him to refuse proposals such as that of being”columnist in Don’t touch my post” or participate in “Dance with the stars“.

He also explained that there was a time when he would see blurry all day and not be able to write. Fortunately, he can count on his wife Annie to help him fight this disease on a daily basis.

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