Thierry Olive (Love is in the meadow): Assault, fire, accident… he is living a real nightmare!

In his show 20 years of love on television, M6 will return this evening to the real fairy tale that Thierry Olive has been living with Annie since their meeting in Love is in the meadow in 2012. The Normand farmer is currently swimming in complete happiness with his sweetheart, whom he married very shortly after the end of filming. Unfortunately, if all goes well in love, he has been experiencing misfortunes lately, for various and varied reasons.

Starting with his diabetes, a disease which was diagnosed to him just after his passage in Fort Boyard, and which caused him many problems, including difficulty seeing blurred all day and writing. His health concerns also impacted his sex life with his wife. He explained that he was forced to “store the small tool in the drawer, a little“in the show TPMP People.

Not out of trouble

In April 2020, it was the fire at his farm located in Normandy that weighed on his morale. “It’s sad, it’s been years of work to get all this” he regretted in the columns of West France. Fortunately he was not present on site, and that only material was reduced to ashes… “I always eat at my wife’s in the evening” he specified for the regional daily.

On February 2, 2021, he revealed in TPMP to have been the victim of an attack in a field, by a man who approached him with a “wood ax with a fifteen centimeter cutting blade and a fifty centimeter handle“. More fear than harm in the end for the farmer, spared from injury but reassembled like a cuckoo clock when going to the police station to file a complaint. “It could have been very serious” he assured.

Definitely, only ten days later, he was making headlines again after suffering a road accident. According to the police, he was drunk and allegedly”refused screeningwhich generated a “procedure for driving under the influence of alcohol“There too, he escaped unscathed, enough to reassure his wife and loved ones.

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