Thierry Neuvic and Hélène Fillières separated: a very discreet romantic relationship

Thierry Neuvic is to be found this Tuesday, July 19, 2022 on TFX in the comedy The Francises. A film that led to his meeting with the singer Jenifer, with whom he shared his life for several years before breaking up in 2016. They notably had a son together, named Joseph and born on

But before falling in love with the interpreter ofUnder the sun, the 51-year-old actor fell in love with Hélène Fillières, with whom he shared the poster for the series Mafiosabroadcast until 2014 on Canal +. They were also on-screen partners in the film. Sunday Dads by Louis Becker. A very discreet couple, who only very rarely appeared together. The two lovebirds hardly ever mentioned their love life in the press.

It’s not hard to shoot with your girlfriend. On the contrary, when we know each other intimately, things go faster. We decode everything“, had simply entrusted Thierry Neuvic during an interview granted to our colleagues Audience, without elaborating on the subject. They continued to maintain their privacy until their separation in 2011. “It was a pleasure to play with him“, had declared the actress of 50 years in the columns tv-magazine, which suggests that they left on very good terms.

Since then, Hélène Filières married producer Matthieu Tarot. “I am going to get married this summer in Pietranera, in Haute-Corse. I’m not Corsican and my companion, who is also the producer of my next film, either. But the Corsicans accept us with great kindness“, she said in 2014, shortly before their union. Since then, they always seem very much in love with each other.

For his part, Thierry Neuvic has not formalized a relationship since his story with Jenifer, who has meanwhile found love with a certain Ambroise Fieschi, a Corsican entrepreneur whom she married in 2019 and with whom she became mother for the third time, on May 8, 2021, of a boy named Juvanni.

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