Thierry Marx: Who is his companion Mathilde de l’Ecotais, 10 years his junior?

He is known for his incredible culinary talents, his extraordinary judgment and his impeccable palate. It is precisely these exceptional skills that allowed him to find love. When we say that we have to go through the stomach to reach people’s hearts, we can only agree with the opinion and personal experience of Thierry Marx. For many years, the ex-juror of the show Top chef (M6) – who now officiates on France 2 with MasterChef – shares his life with a certain Mathilde de l’Ecotais, whom he met around his own little dishes.

In 2006, Thierry Marx (62 years old) and Mathilde de l’Ecotais (52 years old) actually collaborated together, professionally speaking, on the book entitled Planet Marx. He behind the stove, she in charge of the photographic illustrations of the book… they had known glory and success and had even been awarded a Design Prize and a Grand Jury Prize at the International Photography Festival culinary. But this project is not the only one they have realized together since they also fell in love.

But who is Mathilde de l’Ecotais?

Mathilde de l’Ecotais began her career at 19 as a photo reporter. She notably worked for AFP – Agence France Presse – then for Sygma and the newspaper The Express. After a period of exile in the United States, where she followed the gangs of Los Angeles with her camera, and following a disappointment in love, the artist returned to France, where she met Thierry Marx. She worked with him on two other books, titled The Big Book of Desserts and Pastries and The Great Bistro Cookbook. Visual artist, director, designer, photographer… she always has her head full of projects – she is even, like her companion, a black belt in judo! If you want to meet her, somewhere other than on a tatami, you will probably have to walk along the banks of the Seine, in Paris. It is there, in a barge, that she spins the perfect love…

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