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The naturopath, famous on social networks and Youtube, has just been indicted on Friday March 10. Adept of raw food, his advice has, on many occasions, been considered dangerous by doctors.
Who is Thierry Casasnovas? The one who presents himself as a naturopath to the 600,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel, also accumulates reports to the ministerial mission against sectarian aberrations. The Youtuber, who has nearly 95 million views, is now indicted, suspected among other things of illegal practice of medicine and breach of trust. A few days ago, he posted a video to complain about harassment and denounce an investigation against him.
Doubtful financial arrangements
Anti-conventional medicine, anti-vaccine, he advocates a diet consisting exclusively of raw vegetables, purging and fasting. According to him, this way of life would make it possible to cure serious illnesses, such as cancer. The advice of Thierry Casasnovas, considered dangerous for health, would also be very lucrative. the alleged guru is also indicted for “money laundering”. According to investigators, dubious financial arrangements would have brought him nearly three million euros.