Thierry Beaudet, Bernard Cazeneuve… who for Matignon? The informed of franceinfo of Monday September 2, 2024

Around Agathe Lambret and Jean-Rémi Baudot, the informed debate the news of Monday, September 2, 2024.


Reading time: 55 min

franceinfo (Franceinfo / Radio France)

The themes

Matignon: Thierry Beaudet, Emmanuel Macron’s ideal candidate? The President resumed today his consultations for Matignon. A new name for the post of Prime Minister has appeared in the public debate, that of the President of the EESC. Why him?

Bernard Cazeneuve, the candidate who divides the left. The Cazeneuve hypothesis does not appeal to the forces of the New Popular Front

The issues awaiting the next government. Among the hot topics of this new school year, the question of purchasing power. One of the flagship measures of the NFP is the increase of the minimum wage to 1600 euros. Another topic of this new school year, the pension reform, will the question of its repeal arise in the coming weeks?

The guests

Alexandra Schwartzbrod : deputy editorial director of Libération

Corinne Lhaïk : political journalist at l’Opinion

Stephane Vernay : director of the Paris editorial office of Ouest France

Mathieu Plane: economist, deputy director at OFCE


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