Thierry Ardisson: Very in love with Audrey Crespo-Mara for a rare outing for two

Since he left C8, we saw him less in the media … But last Monday, Thierry Ardisson pleased his fans: invited for a good cause to the evening of the Imagine Institute, which fights against diseases genetics, the host played the game with his wife, the journalist of TF1 (and in particular of the portrait of the week in the program Sept à Huit), Audrey Crespo-Mara. In a relationship since 2009, both were married in 2014 in front of their respective children (Manon, Ninon and Gaston for the host, Sékou and Lamine for his wife).

The lovers have indeed taken advantage of this great auction presented by Gad Elmaleh in front of many personalities including Brigitte Macron, the first lady of France, radiant and relaxed. Of course, we don’t know if they themselves bought any of the 38 precious items in competition, but we do know that the sale brought in more than 8 million euros for the institutewhich will be able to benefit research, and therefore, patients.

Maybe they will also play the great popular lottery organized by the institute : putting a Ferrari into play, for a bet of 5 euros per person, it will allow one of the generous donors to change their life by donating only a small sum. And of course, all the money will also be donated to help the sick.

Sanaa, a young girl with a very rare syndrome, was also present to ensure the show, to the delight of Gad Elmaleh who was very protective of her. It must be said that the young 14-year-old girl is not a complete stranger: a candidate in The Voice Kids 2022she capsized the heart of Louane, who took her to his team and will be in the battles, broadcast on TF1 from this evening.

Among the other guests, we could notice in particular Caroline de Maigret, who came without her companion Yarol Poupaud but who spent time with the designer Christian Louboutin. Caroline Roux came with her husband, as did presenter Ophélie Meunier. Radiant, in a white lace dress, the young woman indeed posed with her husband Matthieu Vergne. Their two children (Joseph, 3 years old, and Valentine, 11 months old), had stayed at home! Hoda Roche and Anne Marcassus were also present.

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