Thierry Ardisson takes out the sulfateuse against Laurent Ruquier!

A number and then leaves. Only a few months after leaving the Saturday evening box in the second part of the evening on France 2, Laurent Ruquier launched a new program called, “Yesterday, today and tomorrow”. Its concept? An immersion in the past by remembering the way in which today’s subjects were treated in yesterday’s television. Broadcast on November 15 on France 2, this new meeting co-produced with Thierry Ardisson did not thrill the crowds, bringing together only 1.1 million viewers, or 6.2% audience share.

A bad score which was quickly followed by a radical decision. “The show has not found its audience and should not return to the air“, announced Anne Holmes, the director of programs for France Télévisions in the columns of Parisian, on December 3.

Invited this Sunday, December 18, in “C Médiatique” on France 5, Thierry Ardisson returned to the cessation of the show and was not kind to Laurent Ruquier. “Laurent was not on the show at all. All the people who were on the set could tell you that, it’s not my opinion. When I said to him: ‘The concept is how did we talk yesterday about what is happening today?’, Laurent thought it was a good formula from Ardisson. He didn’t understand that was the concept of the show and he did something else.” he lamented without taking a glove. And the man in black says: “Laurent does a lot of things, he was perhaps a little overworked. In any case, he didn’t make it into the show at all. good thing”.

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