Thierry Amiel: Long hair and still not a wrinkle, what happens to it at 40?

Thierry Amiel has released several clips, available on his website and on Youtube. The latest, Night falls, dates from two years ago and comes from his latest album, Artifact. No new records in sight for the moment but Thierry Amiel might have a nice surprise in store for his fans soon. During the summer, the 40-year-old artist was happy to find the coolness of the studios in the heat of the heat for recordings, the nature of which has not yet been revealed.

Other information and not the least, Thierry Amiel does not only refine his talents as a singer. A year ago, he posted a selfie of himself in the direction of a rather special lesson: “So happy to be back in theater classes and working on beautiful texts! Moliere, Ibsen, Strindberg…” The story does not say if Thierry Amiel is considering a career as an actor, but what is certain is that despite the 20 more years displayed on the clock, the artist still seems just as young. If he kept his blondness of yesteryear, Thierry Amiel let his hair grow… And his beard too: “Tanned, hair tied up and big sunglasses … You are resplendent”, “Glad to find you so smiling”, “You are radiant”, “He is cute like that, I love ! A new style that is not to displease Internet users.

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