They were only missing that!

The campaign of fear which is ending and which targets immigration as the main danger for the future of French people and of the Quebec nation plunges me into deep sadness and discouragement. In 2022, that the party which, according to the polls, will collect the most votes has mounted this strategy to win is beyond comprehension. And I am speaking here above all for my generation, that of the seniors who constitute the electoral base of the CAQ, whereas, unfortunately, 60% of the population will vote for other parties, or will abstain from voting, without being democratically represented.

We recently learned that, even among young Francophones, the attraction and knowledge of French are on the decline. So what can we say when too many of the Quebec elites, starting with the prime ministers and other promoters of Quebec values ​​who proclaim so loudly their alleged love of French, continue to happily scratch it?

In no French-speaking country is the gap between language levels so apparent. Despite all the efforts and the meager progress made, overall, in the face of this undeniable setback, we can only note the collective failure of all the ministries and public bodies directly concerned to defend and promote French. Same thing for professional orders, the media and other press councils or responsible for standards
advertisers. […]

Faced with these findings, instead of attacking immigrants, the CAQ avoids, for basely electoral reasons, recognizing the real causes of the decline of French and proposing concrete remedies. This party is fueled by backward-looking prejudices stemming from the relics of withdrawal into oneself from another era, which we thought was over.

On this earth, we are all immigrants!

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