they were able to recover some belongings

I took shirts because I had none left, clothes and household products Léandre, 22 years old and resident of an apartment in the evacuated sector of rue de Bourgogne.

In front of his house, numbers 19 and 21 of the street which threaten to collapse. More than a week ago, so he had to leave his apartment in a hurry. ” I was told it was for two or three days he explains. Left with few clothes, he had to adapt I did my laundry by hand, in the hotel sink with Marseille soap » he laughs « and then I dried them on a chair next to a radiator “.

Hope for a quick return

For this student who does most of his courses remotely, the hotel is not ideal: “ eating out every day is getting expensive “. He therefore asked the city to be transferred to an aparthotel, which was accepted: “ to be able to live a little more normally and cook he hopes.

Hervé and Sylvie were also able recover the essentialsclothes, but also important papers, passports, insurance papers, house says Sylvie at the end of the allotted time. ” I don’t make lists of habits, but here I did violence to myself she specifies, with one objective: to forget nothing. ” We hope to come back soon, because we didn’t take the shorts for this summer… ” Hervé quips “ I try to take it with a smile, but believe me, it’s not easy “.

Towards demolition?

What future for the buildings at numbers 19 and 21 rue de Bourgogne? For the moment, nothing is less certain ” in the buildings there are very big cracks and unfortunately with the cavities that are below it can collapse any time” worries the mayor, Serge Grouard.

A file for a declaration of natural disaster has already been filed by the city, details the mayor. Expertise has been carried out, to find out if it is still possible to save the two buildings. Impossible to do them for the moment, the buildings are still moving. “It is possible that we will have to pour sand or concrete under the roadway to try to stabilize the basement” finished the mayor.

source site-38