“They think that Africa belongs to them”, worry the inhabitants of Libreville, Gabon

In Gabon, where Emmanuel Macron begins a tour of Central Africa this Wednesday, March 1, Russian influence in Africa is greeted with suspicion.

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The opportunity to experience the “new relationship” he calls for with a continent where the influence of France continues to decline. Before Angola, the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron is expected in Gabon this Wednesday, March 1, for the start of his tour in Central Africa.

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But among these four countries, the first three abstained during the vote on the last UN resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russia, very active on the continent, where the Wagner group has set up in Mali and the Central African Republic, is now viewed with great suspicion in Gabon. Thus, in this amphitheater of political science in Libreville, the mere fact of evoking Russia arouses grimaces.

Madada is convinced of this: Moscow wants to teach a lesson to the world and to Africans. “Russia wants to come and play the role of messiah. She wants to come and show us that, perhaps, our first choices were not the right ones, and that if we trust them, we will be able to defend ourselves. On a diplomatic level everything that counts. Because if you have a territory in Africa, you are also considered a great “analyzes the young man.

“We know who leaves, we never know who replaces him”

A few hundred meters away, an imposing white building stands out, it is the Russian Embassy. Not really fitting with the local architecture. Rodrigue has noted this well and fears that Moscow will gain even more influence in Gabon: “Take a look behind the Russian Embassy. It is forbidden to build a two-storey house next to the embassy. Because they think that Africa belongs to them!“, he regrets.

Before drawing a parallel with the conflict in Ukraine: “At home, if they manage to kill their own Ukrainian brothers, it is not the Gabonese they will spare”loose Rodrigue. The young man also warns his leaders not to give in if Russia is more pressing, before concluding with a local adage: “We know who leaves, we never know who replaces him.”

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