They swim all year round in Toulon and wouldn’t miss it for the world

Slightly cloudy sky this Tuesday morning in Toulon but rays of sunshine are warming up nonetheless. The sea is at twelve degrees just like the outside temperature. Only a light wind pushes winter swimmers to change coves. “We adapt according to the direction of the wind, it’s important when we get out of the water” testifies Catherine, who has been swimming all year round for six years.

The group was formed over time, with the arrival each year of new followers of this practice. “Our day revolves around this meeting, it’s fun to meet people and talk about lots of subjects, at the water’s edge, or in the water.” testifies another. Cap on the head, fins on the foot and snorkel, Marie-France advances towards the water backwards. She claims to think of nothing when she enters the big blue. “I feel very good right away” she slips. And here we go for 45 minutes.

Some stay longer, others less. Everyone has their own pace. “It is an extraordinary experience. This gives you an energy that is increased tenfold, it is a total benefit, both psychological and physical. It’s a real addiction. My day isn’t the same when I’m not swimming“says another follower.

“The Secret to Good Health”

What if it was the secret to staying in shape ? They are all convinced of it anyway. “Everyone who swims even in winter never has a cold or period-related ailments“says Anne-Marie, who got into it after a hip fracture. “All the gyms were closed, and I saw people doing it. I thought to myself that it was possible. I started by taking cold showers. It goes very quickly, the body adapts quickly. Then I put ice in my bath. At first, I was very chilly, but I got used to it little by little.” she testifies.

Others, on the other hand, went there directly. “I swim 1h30 every day. I put on a cap now, and I can no longer do without my fins to go further“comments a swimmer, her eyes sparkling before jumping into the water.

It’s all aboutlisten to your body according to cold water enthusiasts. “And above all, you have to dry yourself quickly when you go out. Some of us even have hot drinks“says Katherine.

In any case, nothing stops them, except when it rains hard for the most part. And even. “It’s all about wanting, everyone can do it” concludes Marie-France, barely out of the water, all smiles, and not even trembling.

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