“They prefer to invite Zemmour and Le Pen than an environmentalist, that says a lot”, comments Yannick Jadot

The EELV candidate responds to the National Federation of Hunters who “assume” not to have invited him to the great oral of the presidential candidates.

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“They prefer to invite [Éric] Zemmour and [Marine] Le Pen than an ecologist, that says a lot about the perspective” of the National Federation of Hunters, commented the EELV presidential candidate, Yannick Jadot, Tuesday March 22 on France Inter when he was not invited by the hunters to participate in their congress today.

“My only measure is the ban on hunting on weekends and during school holidays so that families, everyone can enjoy nature in safety.”

Yannick Jadot, EELV presidential candidate

on France Inter

“If the hunters don’t want to hear that, it’s a shame”he added, while several people die each year in hunting accidents.

Yannick Jadot and Jean-Luc Mélenchon (La France insoumise) are the only two candidates for the 2022 presidential election who have not been invited to this great oral at the Maison de la Chimie in Paris. All the other candidates from the left, center, right and extreme right will be there. Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron are represented. The federation’s political adviser, Thierry Coste, assumed “completely” this decision Tuesday morning on franceinfo, considering not having to “provide a forum” at “someone who [leur] spit on it all the time”.

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