they met thanks to Nesquik and Obama

In some neighborhoods, neighbors will meet this Friday, May 20 for Neighbors Day. She is making a comeback after the health crisis. What is the definition of a good neighbor? For Thibault, it’s Patrick. The neighborhood relationship had however started badly between the two in this quiet dead end in Boulazac.

All because of Nesquik and Obama, Thibault’s two dogs:“Patrick was yelling because my dogs were barking at night […] it was legit”, “I’m hot-blooded […] so I went to see him adds Patrick. It was five years ago when Thibault arrived in the neighborhood. The two men do not really explain what they said to each other “it’s a detail“says Thibault but they laugh about it today because now “he keeps them when I go on vacation so everything is fine”. The two neighbors do each other a favor and as soon as they see each other, they talk a bit through the fence. “There I saw him in the garden, I called out to him, it wouldn’t occur to me to pass by without talking to him”.

And their relationship is not limited to the Impasse de Boulazac, they share a common passion: “we like mountain biking so we sometimes go out on Sundays in the woods, there are quite a few in the Dordogne” says Thibault “and then we drink often, it’s already happened that we eat together”. Today, Patrick affirms, they are no longer just neighbours, they are friends.

In the Dordogne, several neighbor parties are organized this Friday, May 20:

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