“They make laws but they don’t apply!”

When you walk in the city of Rome, Italy, in the middle of the day, you can see a lot of cars, tourists … and a lot of electric scooters, dangerous and parked anyhow. “Seeing all these scooters anywhere, it doesn’t give a good image of the city, says Patrizio, a taxi driver. They roll on the sidewalks, they throw themselves on the road at the last moment. “

Patrizio assures us that there has been “tragedies and even deaths”. The government has therefore decided to regulate the circulation of this means of transport. Since November 10, sidewalks are prohibited for scooters, the speed is limited … you even have to send a photo of the machine to prove that you are parked.

Another new rule concerning pedestrians: they have priority even if they are not on a passage. Impossible, according to Irène and Flavio, Belgians of Italian origin. “In my opinion, the info has not passed to everyone because they do not stop, explains Flavio. Limit, they honk you to say ‘get out of here’. “

“When you come here, you see the difference with Belgium: pedestrian crossings are useless, they don’t exist.”

Irene, Belgian of Italian origin

to franceinfo

For motorists, the fine will be tripled if you are caught on the phone while driving, doubled if you throw garbage out the window … Gianfranco, 50, has doubts about compliance with the code. “I hope these new rules will be applied, he confides, but you know very well how it works in Italy: they make laws but they do not apply! “

As for the municipalities which collect the fines, they will have the obligation to publish each year the sums recovered and explain what they have done with them.

A new highway code in Italy – Report by Bruce de Galzain

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