they hunt pedophiles on social networks



france 3

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Associations and individuals specialize in techniques to trap criminals on the internet before handing them over to the police. Initiatives not always appreciated by the police.

They scour social networks to find the pedophiles. On Instagram or Facebook, these citizens create profiles to bait them and report them to justice. One of them is located somewhere in eastern France. VShe father of a family leads a double life: he is also a virtual child. “I play a twelve-year-old girl who lives with her mother. You have to be credible in the script, in the connection schedules.” On his email, he has already received more than 250 invitations, as well as 35 screenshots and five photos of private parts in a month and a half.

This well-known practice comes from Anglo-Saxon countries. Without any legal framework, citizens pretend to be children and meet predators. These spectacular methods are frowned upon by the courts, as they can compromise a judicial investigation. In Luxembourg, Cédric Teynat created “Les enfants d’Argus”. This association reports facts to justice, with very specific files. In two years, Cédric claims twenty arrests on French soil. “We help the police and justice when there is a lack of resources. We do not in any way supplant their work”, he explains. Prosecutors have already contacted him, overwhelmed by a growing scourge.

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