They discover a deer in their house

A New Brunswick couple who thought they had been the victim of a break and enter had quite the surprise when they came face to face with a deer.

Ray and Katie O’Donnell returned from a day of shopping on Wednesday when they discovered that a window in their home in the Hampton area had been smashed.

“We thought someone had broken in,” Ray told Global News, explaining that he was about to call the police.

“I went down to the basement to check what was missing, and in the family room there was a deer staring at me,” he added.

“I was very surprised. I was not excpecting that at all.”

According to him, the animal did not seem very panicked. The couple don’t know exactly how long the animal was inside the house, but it was there long enough to wreak havoc.

They eventually contacted the wildlife department and officers came to get the doe out who then fled into the woods.

In a statement, Department of Natural Resources spokesman Nick Brown said the area has a “fairly large” suburban deer population and that the presence of the animals around homes in the neighborhood is common.

“These incidents are rare, but not unheard of in New Brunswick,” he said of the rather unusual break and enter.

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