“They defend the right to laziness”, tackle Fabien Roussel

Four days after opposing the “allowance left” and the “labour left”the national secretary of the PCF Fabien Roussel persists and signs Wednesday September 14 on franceinfo by denouncing the attacks which he has since received from “those who defend the right to laziness” in his own camp.

“I fully assume my words, defends Fabien Roussel. There are those who defend the idea of ​​putting the RSA at 1,000 euros, I defend the idea of ​​a society that guarantees everyone a real job.

For the former presidential candidate, “unemployment kills. Benefits, unemployment and capitalism maintain a system that relies on substitute incomes that allow pressure to be exerted on work, working conditions and wages. He estimates that “ambition” what the left must have for the country is “guaranteeing everyone to find their place in society by work, training and salary.

“Of course, before reaching this horizon, we need this social safety net”he admits all the same. “Whether we defend the right to rest or leave is important, but with the universal income, for example, work will disappear”explains the deputy from the North. “I oppose this vision of society. We have so many challenges to meet! That of ecological transition, useful public service, industrial production to relocate our industry here rather than in countries that do not respect any standards social and environmental. We should open employment offices all over the country to guarantee everyone social security of employment.”

>> “Left allowances”: the rebellious Éric Coquerel criticizes Fabien Roussel “for legitimizing all the discourse of the right and the far right”

After the criticisms of which he was the subject within his own camp, Fabien Roussel assures that “the big difference between the right and me is that the right breaks the work. The right, the liberals and even the social democrats who set up the RMI and the RSA broke the work”.

“The left has maintained this lifetime income replacement system for some familiescriticizes Fbien Roussel. This is also what killed the left! It is a system that keeps people in a situation of survival and total precariousness. I prefer that we fight for the zero unemployment territories that ATD Fourth World defends. People regain their dignity through work.”

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