“They can stay as long as they want”: the Belgian royal family offers a roof to Ukrainian refugees

The Royal Family of Belgium is committed to protecting the weakest! While the country has already taken in nearly 10,000 Ukrainian refugees and at least 200,000 are expected in total, King Philippe has decided to open three residences (in Wallonia and in the Brussels region) belonging to the monarchy to accommodate families from the East, fleeing the Russian offensive underway since February 24.

The three residences will be available in early April, one having already hosted a vaccination center at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. It must be said that the monarch couple is rather committed, since they went twice to a shelter to meet Ukrainians.

A visit full of emotions, moreover, for the 61-year-old king and his wife, Queen Mathilde, who therefore decided to appeal to a law of 1900 which allows them to make royal property available for causes. humanitarians. The refugees will be able to stay there.as much as they want“, they added through Jan Smets, president of the Royal Donation, who will manage the estates.

These buildings were originally used by associations for people in need“, he added. “We are therefore completely in our mission“. If the Belgian royal crown has decided to commit itself for the people, it is not the only one in Europe which has decided to take sides in this war, which opposes Russia to Ukraine, supported by a large part of the western world.

The British crown has also decided to get involved, in particular through Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton. The heir to Prince Charles and his wife, very popular in the country, went to the Ukrainian center in London, to find out about all the actions undertaken by Great Britain for refugees. During their visit, they hung a small badge in the colors of Ukraine on their jackets.

Moreover, they had come out of the usual reserve of the royal family (which does not generally engage in politics), to ensure their support for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his wife Olena. The former comedian who has become an impressive president of will had indeed met them in October and officially thanked them for their support.

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