they are perfect lookalikes

On Instagram this Friday, December 1, 2023, Sébastien Cauet was able to demonstrate to his community that despite the media and legal storm which he has been facing for several weeks, he can count on the unfailing support of his loved ones. In two stories, the radio host appeared more complicit than ever with his son Valmont for the first, and his partner Nathalie Dartois, with whom he has been in a relationship for almost three years. The happy father shared a funny video with his eldest Valmontironically about the small beard that the 23-year-old tries to grow, but who behaves well in spite of himself “Holes”.

One thing is certain: if twenty-eight years separate the father from his son, the two men are as alike as two drops of water. Valmont and Ivana Cauet were born from a twenty-year relationship with Virginie, from whom he has been separated since 2016, and divorced since 2019. And if Valmont is the spitting image of his father, Ivana is the spitting image of her motheras evidenced by the photos that the young woman posted on her Instagram account in December 2022, and on which the eldest of the siblings also poses.

The presumption of innocence above all

Entangled in a serious legal case, Sébastien Cauet is currently withdrawn from the NRJ group, and no longer appears on the radio station every afternoon. The host, former star of TF1 in the mid-2000s, is the target of three complaints for “rape and sexual assault”one “a minor over fifteen years old”. The host, who remains presumed innocent of the acts attributed to him by his accusers, denies it outright, and filed a complaint for “moral harassment” and “defamation” against one of them, who recently appeared on Cyril Hanouna’s set on C8. A few days ago, Cauet’s lawyer announced that his client had also filed a complaint for “attempted extortion” and “slanderous denunciation”. Since then, two new complaints have been added to the file, for “rape and sexual assault”.

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