these young people tell why they are going to vote for Jordan Bardella in the European elections

The National Rally attracted a large part of young voters during this European campaign. In 2022, in the presidential election, it was Jean-Luc Mélenchon who was most popular with young people.

Article written by

franceinfo – Josephine Ortuno

Radio France


Reading time: 2 min

The RN candidate for the European elections, Jordan Bardella, on June 2, 2024 in a meeting in Paris.  (STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP)

The National Rally (RN) is gaining popularity among young voters. According to the latest Ipsos survey carried out for Radio France and The Parisian, the list led by Jordan Bardella obtains a third (32%) of the voting intentions of 18-35 year olds. However, during the last presidential election, it was this generation that voted the most for the left of Jean-Luc Mélenchon (34% of 18-24 year olds). In two years, the trend has gone from one extreme to the other.

With a blue skirt, a white shirt and a red beret, Annaëlle attends an RN meeting. At 21, she has been campaigning for the far right for years. “We saw the city change, she says. I live in the North and we saw that things were getting worse, we understood that there were buses of migrants coming more and more, and that scared us. We can no longer live properly without fear.”

Faced with this feeling of insecurity, “the only party that defends all this is the National Rally, it is not another political party”, insists Lucas, 18 years old. “I think that the RN, today, embodies security better than another party.” According to Annaëlle, the RN is reassuring because its elected officials are on the ground. “We often see them in markets, in flea markets, she continues, and even the elected officials, I think a lot about the deputies or senators from the North who come to see us, who are happy that we campaign for them, who talk to us.

And above all, the RN now has a new face: Jordan Bardella, 28 years old. “I have the impression that we only see him”, “we feel him closer to us”, “he’s really the person who, for me, is closest to young people”, “we want to listen to him, Jordan Bardella, we feel that he is going to be important”, we can still hear among these sympathizers. On the TikTok application, widely used by young people, the candidate has some 1.3 million subscribers.

“Sometimes he makes videos that are a bit humorous and I find that his personality goes well with his videos. It makes you want to know more about him.”

Lucas, 18 years old

at franceinfo

The RN is making the European elections a step before the next presidential election. Activists like Noah, 22 years, think about seeing those who will govern the France of tomorrow. “I can tell you that we see him much more than the current president, he says. Even in presidential elections, he is always the last to make his speeches. Jordan Bardella does not wait until the last minute to speak to the French public. He has the charisma to become president of France.”

In the event of victory in 2027, Marine Le Pen promises a place as Prime Minister to Jordan Bardella. In 2022, 26% of 18-24 year olds voted for her. According to polls carried out for Radio France, a third of them plan to vote for the RN for the European election on June 9.

European elections: these young people tell why they are going to vote for Jordan Bardella at the microphone of Joséphine Ortuno

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